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Q: Why did the early Bolshevik leaders in Russia to be optimistic and believe that a speedy development of socialism was soon at hand?
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Socialists and capitalists would both agree that capitalism is a necessary step in the challenge of societal development. Socialists, however, believe that socialism should be the next stage of development.

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First, we have to believe in ourselves.Second, we have to be optimistic about every thing.For example, We have to believe that we can achieve our goals.

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Socialism= big government. With too much government, your rights aren't protected. It's risky to live under socialism because socialist governments believe they're entitled to your work and your property.

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The optimistic or pessimistic opinion on the effects of globalization.

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believe in yourself you must have self confidence and know that your decision is right or be optimistic abput your decision

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This is called the planning fallacy, a cognitive bias where individuals underestimate the time, costs, and risks of future actions while overestimating the benefits.

Why socialism started?

Many people believe that a society should be kind and helpful to all of its members rather than ruthlessly allowing everybody to either fail or succeed on their own. That is the philosophical basis for socialism.

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Stalin was in fact the dictatorial ruler of the state capitalist USSR.