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because the Romans were still persecuting christians for herecy. they had to keep the religion hidden until hundreds of years later when Constantine became Romes Cesar. he converted Rome's religion region wide to Christianity ending it all,

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Q: Why did the early Christians hide after the death of Jesus?
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Where would early Christians meet hide out and bury their dead?

These places were the catacombs.

Where did early christians hide in rome?

They hid in what is called the 'catacombs', which are underground burial places.

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Studying catacombs provides insights into ancient burial practices, religious traditions, and social structures. It also offers valuable information about historical events, art, and architecture of the civilizations that created them. Furthermore, catacombs offer a unique opportunity to understand how past cultures honored their dead and commemorated their ancestors.

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Jesus was not married and had no children so there are no descendants to hide.

Why to avoid persecution would early Christian meet hide out and bury their dead?

Um, not sure! Someone please correct me!

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