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Q: Why did the french land in Wales?
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Why is wales called pays de galles in french?

Pays is land, Galles is Wales (related to Gaul and Gael). So the French name means Land of Wales.

Why is wales called ' le pays de galles' in french?

Le pays de galles in English means 'the country of Wales' although for an English speaker, we would just say Wales.

What is the french name for Wales?

Wales is translated 'le Pays de Galles' in French.

How do you spell Wales in french?

Wales is Pays de Galles

How is Wales spelled in french?

Pays de GallesThis is how you say wales in french.

How do you say south Wales in french?

South Wales is called "le sud du Pays de Galles" in French.

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What is walas land formation

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Why is there pays de in front of Wales in French?

"Pays de ..." means 'Land of ..." . This is a remainder of the old way of naming the countries, the same way English speakers added 'land' to country names (like 'England').

What is in Wales in French?

Le pays de Galles en français.

What is the land area of wales in terms of square miles?

Wales-8022 square miles