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The issue of suffrage caused controversy because men didn't believe women were capable of being able to have their own opinions to vote. Also, the upper class didn't want the lower class women to vote and dilute their vote.

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Q: Why did the issue of suffrage cause controversy?
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Why did Suffrage cause controversy?

There were two major issues related to Suffrage: the Universal Suffrage and the Vote for Women. Both aspects gave rise to a lot of controversy, polemics and struggle (causing bloodshed even!). In both cases, the conservative upper classes were opposed because: 1. they considered women had largely inferior intellects and therefore they needed guidance (and couldn't be trusted to cast their votes) and 2. allowing the poor to vote would spell the end of their privileges, of life as they knew it.

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The closest synonym for the word controversy is "dispute" or "debate."

How do you put suffrage in a sentence?

The issue of female suffrage was discussed with much vigour early in 20th century Britain.

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For the Cause of Suffrage - 1909 was released on: USA: 20 October 1909

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The cast of For the Cause of Suffrage - 1909 includes: Francis Ford

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Maintaining the safety of the food we eat is very important. It is an issue when there is a problem or controversy about doing that.

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To draw attention to the cause of women's suffrage

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Controversy ....this is what vivek ji is , he likes or not controversy but its sure he has not left any issue in which he thinks talks should be done ....well he deserve to be controversial because what he speaks its a naked truth .....

Why people died for suffrage?

cause they were thrown in jail for protesting

Woman who worked for suffrage won the vote by?

persuading both men and women that the issue was important

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They were entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

What was Lincolns position on the issue of the suffrage for African Americans?

They were entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.