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Q: Why did the man mowing his lawn start throwing up when a plane flew over and cast a shadow on him?
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What month is it when you start mowing?

That depends on where you live and your climate.

How do you start mowing lawns?

First, read the instructions for your lawn mower. Understand how to work it and then start mowing straight lines down thecenter of your lawn like this; ____HOUSE_______ l_________________l l_________________l l_________________l l_________________l ----->>>>>> <<<<<------

Can a plane start a tornado?

No. A plane cannot start a tornado.

What is mowing the lawn?

well mowig the lawn is where you get this macheine and you start at a corner of your lawn and then you push the lawn mower and make your way around the yard... that's mowing the lawn

What chores start with M?

Making the bed and mowing the lawn are chores. Making meals for the family is a chore.

Who are the characters in the book shadow?

Cheryl and Jared, they are best friends who start the Shadow Club.

What month do you stop mowing Saint Augustine grass in Houston Texas?

When the grass stops growing--some time in early-mid December. Then start mowing when it starts to green up--some time in March.

When did football start using throwing?

Im pretty sure they were throwing before they were running throwing has always been a technique in football but both ways of the game have new plays and new ways of throwing and running the balll.

When should you start shaving if you're a boy?

when you start getting a 7;00 shadow

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Where can an twelve year old work?

nowhere. but you can start your own busniss. ex. lawn mowing, baby sitting, etc.

Who loves Shadow the Hedgehog?

Rouge The Bat. She wish she can been shadow and trying her best to get shadow to love and taking her a long time and hard to get shadow to like you for a start and love is much harder so its rouge the bat who loves shadow