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becasue they cut out all the good stuff and the scenes were all too dramatic And, in my opinion, the dialogue was ridiculous and nothing like the book. As an example: Eragon: Saphira, can you find us? Saphira: [in a voice with the consistency of treacle] I never left you! Jeremy Irons as Brom did his best to save the film, but not even his talents could prevent it from being a disaster.

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Q: Why did the movie Eragon Suck so badly?
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Eragon was too long to fit into a 2 hour movie, so they had to cut out a lot of stuff and change things around, which made a lot of people think it was completely messed up. somethings didn't even look right that would be easy to do!!!! Arya was supposed to have black hair and green eyes, and the ra'zac were supposed to have cloaks

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i dont think so

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How many movies are there of the movie Eragon?

So far, one. It would appear that there are no plans to further the movies, however when the first one was released there was a rumor of a second movie. The first movie was so far off of the first book that chances are they decided after the bad reviews not to make a second movie.