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Ruthlessly to exterminate any trace of reactionary activity at home and in the armies while the new Republic was engaged in a war for survival.

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Q: Why did the national convention create a committee of Public Safety?
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Why did the national convention form the committee of the public safety?

The committee had the job of finding a way to win the french revolution

Why did the members of the national convention resort to violence in their transformation of France?

the national convention resorted to violence as they had executive power but 1793 to 1794 de facto was exercised by the national convention's public safety committee

How was the committee of public safety different from the government under the directory?

The committee was more dictatorial.Inasmuch as the government under the committee of public safety (National Convention) moved in a "crusading spirit" the Directory did not.Instead, it approached war in the Louis XIV tradition of foreign conquest and glory.

How was government under the committee. Of public safety different from government under the directory?

The committee was more dictatorial.Inasmuch as the government under the committee of public safety (National Convention) moved in a "crusading spirit" the Directory did not.Instead, it approached war in the Louis XIV tradition of foreign conquest and glory.

How was governent under the committee of public safety different from governent under the directory?

The committee was more dictatorial.Inasmuch as the government under the committee of public safety (National Convention) moved in a "crusading spirit" the Directory did not.Instead, it approached war in the Louis XIV tradition of foreign conquest and glory.

How was government under the committee of public safety different from governed under the directory?

The committee was more dictatorial.Inasmuch as the government under the committee of public safety (National Convention) moved in a "crusading spirit" the Directory did not.Instead, it approached war in the Louis XIV tradition of foreign conquest and glory.

How was government under the committee of public safety different from government under the directory apex?

The committee was more dictatorial.Inasmuch as the government under the committee of public safety (National Convention) moved in a "crusading spirit" the Directory did not.Instead, it approached war in the Louis XIV tradition of foreign conquest and glory.

How was the government of public safety different from the government under the directory?

The committee was more dictatorial.Inasmuch as the government under the committee of public safety (National Convention) moved in a "crusading spirit" the Directory did not.Instead, it approached war in the Louis XIV tradition of foreign conquest and glory.

When was Committee of Public Safety created?

Committee of Public Safety was created in 1793.

Creation of committee of public safety?

The Committee of Public Safety was started by Robespierre and revolutionary leaders in an effort to overthrow the government and retain national security. The Committee gained 14 armies and got many provisions. What is ironic is that the Committee of Public Safety, under Robespierre's now dictatorship, started the "Reign of Terror" where all anti-revolutionaries were killed by the guillotine. So the Committee of Public Safety, in turn, killed over 20,000 people.

What did georges danton do in the french revolution?

He was a member of the National Convention, Administrator of the Department of Paris and the President of the Committee of Public Safety. He was also a victim of the Reign of Terror and was guillotined on 5 April 1794.

When was National Transportation Safety Committee created?

National Transportation Safety Committee was created in 1999.