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It was really cheap, easy to make and distribute, and it was high in calories. tasteless, but it's perfect for army food.

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Q: Why did the people eat spam in world war 2?
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What food did people have in world war 2?

tinned spam and potatoes!

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What food in schools was there in the World War 2?

The answer to that question would be Spam.

What years did the world war 1 spam?

1914-1918 ..... American involvement

How much does spam cost during the World War 2?

money! ;p

How did World War 2 help people get back to work?

to get people to eat

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How did people get their food in world war 2?

They ate tinned spam, potatoes, roast turkey, eggs, bacon, bread but it was limited because of the ration books!

What was poppular food during World War 2?

Coca Cola Hershey bars Spam

Why was SPAM so popular in World War 2?

It was the only meat not rationed and it wasnt that popular