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Q: Why did the people of the far north live in igloos instead of adobes?
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What do the people in the north pole live in?

They live in igloos !

What are igloos made for?

so that the people of the north could live

Where do people use igloos?

The place where people use igloos is up in the high north.... lest say the tip top of Canada, or even Alaska.

Who builds igloos?

The Inuit people of the most northern parts of North America.

Do only penguins live in igloos?

Penguins do not live in igloos. Eskimos, who live at the north polar regions, live in igloos. Penguins live in the southern polar regions. There are very few people, and no igloos, at the south pole.

Who lives in the igloos in the North Pole?

No one

Where do people live in igloos?

No one lives in igloos. They are temporary shelters that can be built for protection from extreme weather conditions in the arctic and antarctic regions. Building them takes considerable skill, and they can be large and comfortably warm .

Who were igloos predominantly constructed by?

Igloos are found in more than one place in the world, far to the North Pole and far to the South Pole. the first cizilization to make igloos were the Esquimaux's.

Where do igloos take place?

In the far north where the terrain is ice and snow.

Where else than the north pole that you find igloos?

The South Pole.

Do polar bears live in igloos?

Polar bears are animals that roam the North and live in the wild,, Igloos are houses made of ice blocks built by the Inuit people that live in the Arctic, so the answer is NO, Polar bears DO NOT live in houses.

Why do penguins never go near igloos?

Penguins are only found near the South Pole, Igloos are only built near the North Pole.