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Because many people found it contary to The Bible's - and the Church's - teachings that man had been created by God. Also many people thought the concept repugnant and or impossible that man had 'descended from the apes'.

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Q: Why did the people reject natural selection?
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Did Darwin discover natural selection?

Well, scientists, for starters. And most higher educated people. And a good portion of the general populace as well. People who don't accept natural selection generally reject it because they don't know or understand what it is, or because they don't want to know what it is for religious reasons.

People with one sickle cell allele are not likely to get a malaria what is this an example of?

It is an example of Natural Selection, Modern Theories of Evolution.

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Its NaTuRaL sElEcTiOn if you didn't know.

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natural selection

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Adaptation does not allow for natural selection: natural selection causes adaptation.

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Genetic variation in itself does not 'support' natural selection: it is what natural selection acts upon.

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Natural selection is what causes adaptation.

Is natural selection an example of macroevolution?

No, natural selection is the mechanism that drivesevolution.

Is adaptation part of natural selection?

Adaptation is the result of natural selection.

What principles includes variation and competition?

Natural selection.

The mechanism by which organisms evolve is known as?

Natural Selection

What was Darwin's overall conclusion regarding natural selection?

That selection was natural.