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Ancient peoples used the sky for a number of various reasons- direction, time, religion, zodiac, weather and the like.

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Q: Why did the people thousands of years ago use the sky?
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Why are the stars that you see in the sky now how they looked like thousands of years ago?

This is because the stars are so far away, that it takes the light from them thousands of years to get to Earth.

When was arcturus discovered?

1652 Edit : That seems unlikely. Arcturus is one of the brightest stars in the sky and it must have been seen as soon as people looked at the night sky, many thousands of years ago.

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today scientists use telescopes, cameras, and computers to study how the stars and other objects in the sky seem to move. we have learned a lot about the stars since people looked at the sky thousands of years ago

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We don't know. The diameter of our galaxy is estimated at 100,000 lights years. But it is an estimate. When we look at the stars in the night sky, we are looking at how those stars were thousands, even hundreds or thousands of years ago.

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When were the constellations discovered?

Thousands of years ago, probably tens of thousands, people viewed the night sky in awe and wonder. Ancient man took the sky to represent our dreams and nightmares and came up with myths and legends to convey stories to others. The sky was used as a tool to determine when to plant crops and when to harvest, when the rains were coming and when it would be dry, when animals hibernate and when they migrate. They weren't "discovered" - they were imagined and used in folklore and still are today.

Is there astronomy in Cambodia?

astronomy isnthe oldest science people were wondering at the nite sky over 5000 years ago

How long have you known about Jupiter?

Jupiter is easily visible in the night sky. Jupiter has been known since the first pre-men looked at the stars hundreds of thousands of years ago.

How did Orion become a star?

Orion is not a star, it is a constellation. Being a constellation, it has many stars in it. It has been a recognised constellation since humans first looked at the night sky, thousands of years ago.

When was proxima centauri discovered?

There isn't much to "discover" here - Alpha Centauri is the third-brightest star in the sky. People must already have seen him tens of thousands of years ago.

Why for thousands of years people believe that stars moved across the sky?

because the saw it happening. they didn't have much technology so the believed with their eyes.

Who first found out that the sun moves across the sky each day?

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Ancient Man would have observed the daily progress of the Sun. Clearly written records were not kept at that time.