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Q: Why did the plague spread quickly among people in close proximity?
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What disease spread quickly and killed many people in Europe?

the bubonic plague, spread by rats bitten bye infected fleas

How did the plague impact?

the Black Death killed 75 to 200 million people. It spread very quickly.

How could the black death spread?

The black death or black plague was spread by fleas, which were carried by rats and lived in close proximity to humans because of the unsanitary conditions poor people were forced to live in during that time in Europe.

Why did the black plague spread so quickly in 1348 and 1349?

The Black Death Plague decimated the population of Europe. It was able to spread so fast because the plague was highly contagious.

Can the bubonic plague be spread through the air?

Not usually unless the person who had bubo had started developing septicaemic plague. septicaemic- this plague (there are three different types) affected the lungs and was transmitted from human to human.

How do you believe the plague traveled to Paris overland or along the shipping routes?

It traveled by ship, because they used ships to go many places that we use airplanes for now. It also traveled by human beings going from one place to another on foot or horses. It spread quickly due to the fact that the people did not understand how to prevent it and did not have any effective medicines for it. When a person died of the plague, their corpse often spread the plague, because many times the dead were not buried quickly due to so many people being sick. The priests would visit the sick and they spread the plague themselves that way, unknowingly. The people who were sick were not always quarantined so they had contact with people that they then gave the plague to. There were traveling bands of people who thought the way to stop the plague was to beat themselves with whips, and they spread the plague from place to place, because they went from town to town preaching that the people needed to repent and punish themselves in order for God to deliver them of this plague.

How did people become infected with the plague?

Bubonic Plague was spread by being bitten by fleas that had bitten infected rats.

Why were pubs shut down during the plague?

people thought it was a place for the plague to spread because it was a social place

What actually caused the black death?

Bubonic Plague - was spread by the fleas who lived on plague-infected rats, and such rats were ubiquitous on trading ships. But the people of that time believed that the plague was a punishment from god too punish the wicked and the good people would be saved by god.Pneumonic Plague - could spread with a sneeze and jump from person to person with terrifying speed.Septicemic Plague - spread through contact with open sores

How did the fact that Guangzhou and Hong Kong were busy ports speed the spread of the plague?

If they were busy ports, there would be a lot of people there to catch the plague and spread it to friends, families, etc.

How did the fleas die during the black plague?

During Plague fleas were among the main factors to spread it. People with Plague had bloody vomit fever and tumors.

Why did the plague spread to other people?

By coming near the person. Once you got it from a FLEA, it spread like wildfire.