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Q: Why did the rivers flood in the spring?
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When and why rivers flood?

Rivers flood in the spring, after snow accumulated over the winter begins to melt. Rivers also flood after heavy rain events.

What happened in the mountains every spring to cause the rivers to flood?

It rained.

When did the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flood?

They flooded in the spring when snow melted off the northern mountains into the rivers.

Do all rivers flood?

Not all rivers flood most ones that are on flat ground and have soil that can't absorb the water will flood

What are the three rivers frequently affected by flood?

ganga, yamuna and brahmaputra are the 3 rivers affected frequently by flood >>>>

What UK rivers flood?

Any river anywhere in the world can flood.

When is flood season?

in the spring

Can rivers over flow?

What do you mean? Like a flood? Or are you referring to the speed of the current? Yes. Rivers can flood but I hope that's not your question.

Why was crossing rivers dangerous for pioneers on the trail?

Rivers were usually high with the melting snow water and Spring rains. They had to leave in early spring to make it across the plains and to miss the fall mountain snows. It took at least 6 months to get to the west. Many lost everything in the flooded rivers. Even today these rivers still reach flood stage imagine being in a wagon trying to cross one.

What rivers flood in Egypt?

river Nile

What is the nile rivers flood season?


What was the flood of the Twin Rivers in Sumer?
