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Q: Why did the settlers land in New York?
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What influence did the settlers have on the colony of New York?

the settlers in the colony of new york was offered water front houses of land and money for every settler that you bring with you to the colony.the duke of york sent out fliers to all the europeans in the country.stating that if u take this voyage you will get this and that.that is what influenced settlers to come to new york

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Where were the settlers of New York from?


What religion were the New York settlers?

New York Settlers ReligionThey were either Puritans, Quakers, Protestants, or Lutheran And also Morgans

Which state was part of New York?

Vermont. New York and New Hampshire fought over the area that is now Vermont (then called the New Hampshire Grants), and eventually, in 1764, New York won.The victory was short-lived, however. While New Hampshire and New York were fighting over Vermont (the New Hampshire Grants), the governor of New Hampshire had gone ahead and sold pieces of the land to settlers, some of whom founded towns on the land.When New York won the battle over the New Hampshire Grants, it declared that all land sales made there by the New Hampshire governor were invalid. In other words, New York reclaimed all the land the settlers bought for itself.The settlers rebelled against New York's government, and in 1777 set up the Republic of Vermont -- essentially making Vermont into an independent country -- which later joined the Union and became the U.S. state of Vermont.

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the west was offering land to the settlers

Who were the initial settlers of New York?

The Dutch.

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New York.

Where were the first settlers of New York from?


New York's first settlers were from what country?

New England

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