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Each man who signed knew that to oppose the king was treason, but they were willing to risk it for freedoms and independence. Sometimes people reach a breaking point and if you read the Declaration list of complaints is fairly long and they sum it up very well in the last two paragraphs why they declare independence.

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Q: Why did the signers of the declaration were willing to risk being arrested for treason?
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What is so special about July 4 1776?

On that day in the 13 British Colonies of America, the Declaration of Independence was announced, which declared the United States a free and separate sovereign nation. The document was written by Thomas Jefferson and a committee of the Continental Congress . It stated the grievances against King George III and Parliament, noting that these violations of the natural rights of the colonists were the reasons for the dissolution of the governmental bond with Britain. The American Revolution had begun on April 19, 1775 and the Declaration changed the status of that conflict from rebellion to self-determination, allowing the US to seek recognition by the other governments of Europe and the world.

How did the US become an independent country?

First, the signers of the Declaration of Independence put there jiz in a letter together and sent it to the King of England, DECLARING that the colonies were INDEPENDANT from England. Then, when the King's military came to put down the rebellion, the patriots were willing to fight for our independance. Fortunately, they won.

How does the declaration of independence continue to shape America today?

The Declaration of Independence shows what the USA will not put up with then and now. The Colonies were tired of GB telling them what to do. Without the Declaration we would not be free today. The Declaration pretty much told GB that they were willing to wadge war against them and the Colonies won,which is why we are free today. The Declaration of Independence is the reason for the Constitution.

Why was the Declaration of Independence a remarkable philosophical statement for its time?

The Declaration of Independence was a remarkable philosophical statement for any time, actually. It was a declaration by people being governed that they were no longer willing to be governed, and now considered themselves a sovereign nation unto themselves.

Who's signature on the Declaration Of Independence is worth more money?

Thomas Lynch's signature is rarest which would make it the most valuable. John Hancock would be another very valuable autograph, Because he was the first to sign. But an autograph's value is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

Related questions

What sacrifices were the signers willing to make to gain their independence?

"Their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred Honor". Many of the founders suffered the loss of children, or estates, or fortunes during the Revolutionary War. By engaging in rebellion against their King, their lives were forfeit if captured, and had the Revolution not succeeded, they would have been hanged as traitors. Read the essay "The Americans Who Risked Everything".

Why did the men who signed the Declaration of Independence if there were going to be severe consequences if their revolution failed?

The men who signed the Declaration of Independence knew that they were committing treason against the British government. If the British had placed the full force of its military against the American Colonies, and were willing to "wait it out" in a manner of speaking, the American Revolution had an excellent chance of failing. The signers were men that would in time be easy to find and hang for treason. They clearly showed themselves to be either brave men or men bent on self destruction.

What 3 specific sacrifices did the signers indicate they were willing to make for independence?

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

What is so special about July 4 1776?

On that day in the 13 British Colonies of America, the Declaration of Independence was announced, which declared the United States a free and separate sovereign nation. The document was written by Thomas Jefferson and a committee of the Continental Congress . It stated the grievances against King George III and Parliament, noting that these violations of the natural rights of the colonists were the reasons for the dissolution of the governmental bond with Britain. The American Revolution had begun on April 19, 1775 and the Declaration changed the status of that conflict from rebellion to self-determination, allowing the US to seek recognition by the other governments of Europe and the world.

Would you have been willing to risk death by signing the declaration of independence and why?

No, because I'm not American.

What were the men who signed the declaration prepared to do in order to gain independence?

they were willing to go to war to gain independence

Why was Britain's involvement in the African slave trade was struck out of the original Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independance was sprouted on the basis that all human beings had inalienable rights and that all men including women were created equal. The states agreedto freedom from Great Britian, but the southern states were not willing to give up their slaves, because the slaves provided abundance to an agricltural economy. The signers feared they wouldn't have support from the southern states if they moved to abolish slavery. Thomas Jefferson was against enslavement, but withheld his ideas for the cooperation of all the states.

Will you be arrested in California for a warrant issued in Reno NV?

Yes, if the authorities in Reno are willing to extradite you back to Nevada.

How did the US become an independent country?

First, the signers of the Declaration of Independence put there jiz in a letter together and sent it to the King of England, DECLARING that the colonies were INDEPENDANT from England. Then, when the King's military came to put down the rebellion, the patriots were willing to fight for our independance. Fortunately, they won.

What does Jefferson's tone in declaration suggest about how he thinks of his readers?

They're willing to listen to a reasonable argument presented with evidence.

What sacrifices were the singers willing to make to gain their independence?

i don't recall that singers were present at the signing of the declaration of independence

What does Jefferson's tone in the Declaration suggest about how he thinks of his readers?

They're willing to listen to a reasonable argument presented with evidence.