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This was done to "encourage" the tax collectors to leave the area and forget the need to collect taxes.

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Q: Why did the son's of liberty tar and feather the tax collecter?
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The Sons of liberty protested british taxes?

Yes they did. The sons of liberty would tar and feather tax collectors. Tar and feather is when they pour hot tar on you and then put feathers on you after.

What did sons of liberty do to protest stamp act?

They poured tar on them and dumped feathers on them

What did the sons of liberty do to officials?

Some of the officials got hanged and poured hot tar.

How do you use tar and feather in a sentence?

The feather fell in the tar.

What activities did the sons of liberty and daughters of liberty organize?

they orginized boycotting, tar and feathering people that would be Horror to the streets

Who dumped tar and feathers on people during the stamp act?

i think it would be The Sons of Liberty

What does the term Tar and Feather mean?

To tar and feather someone is to smear or cover someone (as the Whigs di to the Tories) with tar and throw feathers over them.

What was J.J.Thompson's hypothesis?

that humans can fly if you tar and feather them

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What activities did the sons of liberty and the and the daughters of liberty organize?

Like other secret clubs at the time, the Sons of Liberty had many rituals. They had secret code words, medals, and symbols. Originally formed in response to the Stamp Act, their activities were far more than ceremonial. It was the Sons of Liberty who ransacked houses of British officials. Threats and intimidation were their weapons against tax collectors, causing many to flee town. Images of unpopular figures might be hanged and burned in effigy on the town's LIBERTY TREE. Offenders might be covered in warm tar and blanketed in a coat of feathers.

Was tar and feather a practical joke?

No, it was a punishment for con men and other petty criminals.

Did the british or the colonists cover customs with tar and feathers?

colonists used the tar and feather for british messengers. They really didnt want them to have respect, so they covered them in tar and poured feathers. so, the colonists