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colonists used the tar and feather for british messengers. They really didnt want them to have respect, so they covered them in tar and poured feathers. so, the colonists

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Q: Did the british or the colonists cover customs with tar and feathers?
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What did the British think of the colonist's fighting technique?

The British did not at all approve of the way the colonists were fighting. Colonists were using what is known as guerilla tactics. The British believed in open fighting, in lines, on fields. The colonists were attacking from cover, and quickly disappearing. The British found this ungentlemanly.

Why do you think the colonists were able to win early battles against a more experienced?

you mean why do you think the colonists were able to win early battles against a more experienced better equipped army? and the answer is (The reason why the colonists would win a more experienced and better equipped army is because that the colonists were fighting in wars for a larger amount of time than the better and more equipped soldiers.)

Why did the British find it easier to capture the American cities rather than the countryside?

The cities contained more people loyal to the crown so to stay in the cities was much more pleasant for the officers. By 1777 the British maintained control only in the area around NYC. The countryside was more hostile and could not be subdued. British intelligence had severelyunderestimated civilian hostility and an army far from its supply base could not survive. In Philadelphia society enjoyed the officer's company for the winter, but the colony was no more loyal after the occupation than when the Americans controlled the city. The British presence alienated neutral citizens and converted them to the fight. Also the countryside was more apt to practice guerrilla type war than the classical type that the British troops were trained in.

Many Americans were ready to start a war with the British after which incident?

In 1807, sailors on the Leopard, a British warship, wanted to board theChesapeake, an American warship, in order to look for British deserters. The Americans refused to let the British on board, and then theLeopard fired on the Chesapeake. This action by the British angered many Americans, and many people were ready to fight in a war against the British.Good question. Here are many reasons why the Revolution started:Taxation Without Representation:First off, you need to remember that the Americans where being ruled and taxed by a government thousands of miles away. This is what historians call Taxation without Representation. Obviously, a lot of Americans didn't approve of that. Many taxes were implied, such as the Stamp Act in 1767. The British passed new taxes on glass, paper, teas, paints and other goods shipped to the colonies from Britain. Prime Minister Charles Townsend wanted to raise money to cover the cost for defending the colonies, and pay the salaries of governors and judges in the colonies. These were known as the Townsend Acts.The colonists reacted by refusing to buy British goods. The colonists argued that they shouldn't be taxed since they had no representation in the British government. The colonists rallied behind the phrase, "No Taxation without Representation." Again Britain was forced to remove the taxes, all except for the tax on tea.Population:By this time, the colony of America had reached about 2.5 million people (about a third the size of Britain at the time), and many had begun to think of themselves as Americans, not British subjects. Many owned businesses, and were tired of the British interference with their business, such as George Washington. Boston Tea Party:Because of the Townsend act, all taxes were removed except the ones on Tea. On the evening of December 16, 1773, a group of men calling themselves the "Sons of Liberty" went to the Boston Harbor. The men were dressed as Mohawk Indians. They boarded three British ships, the Beaver, the Eleanor and the Dartmouth, and dumped forty five tons of tea into the Boston Harbor. Intolerable Acts:In response to the Boston Tea Party incident, Britain passed four laws, which the colonists called the Intolerable Act Laws. These acts were intended to make an example of the people of Massachusetts for their disobedience. The acts were to discourage other colonies from opposing British rule. Instead, they had the opposite affect. The Intolerable Acts united the colonies against Britain. Patriot leaders began to call for a meeting, or a colonial congress, to discuss the issues. Each of the colonies began to elect members to attend the congress. As you can see, Britain slowly applied pressure to the already boiling colony. A revolution was only steps away..

How did the people in fort necessity protect themselves from the enemy?

They were pretty much surrounded from all sides by the French, but the British soldiers that were in the fort took cover and shot from behind the log wall that made up the fort and/or hid in the blockhouse in the center.