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you mean why do you think the colonists were able to win early battles against a more experienced better equipped army? and the answer is (The reason why the colonists would win a more experienced and better equipped army is because that the colonists were fighting in wars for a larger amount of time than the better and more equipped soldiers.)

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14y ago

The colonists had better tactics such as shooting and then taking cover.with longer rifles that made colonists more accurate with each shot they took, while the british stood in line shooting, then relaoding while taking no cover , just waiting to be shot.

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Q: Why do you think the colonists were able to win early battles against a more experienced?
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Why do you think the colonist were able to win early battles against a more experienced better - equipped army?

1. The British army had been trained to fight in wide spread ranks on the open battlefield and the colonists fought by hiding in and behind trees, knowing that the close quaters fighting would confuse them. 2. The colonists were beginning to make their gun barrels with spiral lines on the inside, allowing the bullet to exit the barrel faster. 3. Early battles or late battles, the colonists were fighting for their families, their freedoms, and the way of life that they chose to live for themselves.

Why do you think the colonist were able to win early battles against more experienced better equipped army?

1. The British army had been trained to fight in wide spread ranks on the open battlefield and the colonists fought by hiding in and behind trees, knowing that the close quaters fighting would confuse them. 2. The colonists were beginning to make their gun barrels with spiral lines on the inside, allowing the bullet to exit the barrel faster. 3. Early battles or late battles, the colonists were fighting for their families, their freedoms, and the way of life that they chose to live for themselves.

Why do you think the colonist were able to win early battles against a more experienced better-equipped army?

1. The British army had been trained to fight in wide spread ranks on the open battlefield and the colonists fought by hiding in and behind trees, knowing that the close quaters fighting would confuse them. 2. The colonists were beginning to make their gun barrels with spiral lines on the inside, allowing the bullet to exit the barrel faster. 3. Early battles or late battles, the colonists were fighting for their families, their freedoms, and the way of life that they chose to live for themselves.

Early settlers in Massachusetts Bay experienced fewer difficulties with native Americans than had colonists in the Chesapeake primarily because?

The early settlers in the Massachusetts Bay area experienced fewer difficulties with Native Americans than the colonists in Chesapeake. This occurred because the early settlers of the Bay region bought land from the native people as opposed to fighting over the land.

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The north eastern region of the colonies was where most of the early battles of the revolution was fought. The ports made them accessible to troops and supplies.

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Why do you think the colonist were able to win early battles against more experinced better equipped army?

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