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because the german have no souls just like gengers so there protected from the askaban dementors

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Q: Why did the soviets try to force allies to abandon west Berlin?
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How did Soviets try to force the allies to abandon their bases in West Berlin?

The Berlin Blockade

How did the Soviets try to force the allies to abandon their bases in the West Berlin?

The Berlin Blockade

How did the Soviets try to force the Allies to abandon their bases in West Berlin?

The Berlin Blockade

Why did stalin and the USSR blockade west berlin?

The Soviets tried to force the Western Allies to abandon a currency reform, and possibly even Berlin itself. -JenniferMichelle Kinsel (:

How did the Soviets try to force the allies to adandon their bases in West Berlin?

The Soviets tried to close off the Allies supply lines resulting in the famous Berlin Airlift.

What city did Stalin try to force the Allies from?

Stalin tried to force the Allies out of Berlin, Germany by cutting it off from contact with the west. The Berlin Airlift project enabled the Allies to supply their portions of the city and remain there despite Stalin's efforts to the contrary.

What was the us response when Soviets blocked Berlin?

( The U.S. flew supplies to Berlin.) After World War II, the Allies divided Germany into four zones of occupation. The U.S., U.S.S.R., France, and Great Britain agreed that each would govern one of the zones until the Germans were prepared to rule themselves. The Allies also decided to divide Germany's capital, Berlin, into four sectors, or parts. Each sector of Berlin would also be governed by one of the four Allied powers. The Soviet sector of the city was called East Berlin while the U.S., French, and British sectors were called West Berlin.Since Berlin was located inside the Soviet zone of Germany, the Americans, British, and French had to pass through the Soviet zone to get to their part of Berlin. This was not supposed to be a problem. When the Allies first decided to divide Germany into zones, the Soviets promised to allow the Americans, British, and French to move freely across their zone and into West Berlin.But serious problems developed in 1947. On the excuse that they were repairing roads and railroad tracks, the Soviets kept cars, trucks, and trains from crossing their zone. But the truth of the matter was that the Soviets wanted to cut off all food shipments to West Berlin. The Soviets hoped their Berlin blockade would force the Americans, British, and French to leave their part of Berlin.Many people in the Free World considered the Soviet blockade of Berlin an act of aggression. Many feared that the Berlin blockade would lead to World War III.

What led to the Soviets blockade West Berlin?

a reunification of the three western zones of occupation

What was quarantine during the cold war?

Berlin blockade. The Soviets blockaded West Berlin to force it to become communist (it was democratic). The Berlin Airlift is when the US airlifted supplies to West Berlin. You know so they don't give in to communism.

How did Stalin react to the Berlin blockade?

Stalin wanted to weaken Germany in revenge of what Germany did to it in ww2 .not only that but Stalin wanted to make his part particularly Berlin a communist country contradicting the west Germany which was democratic.Stalin blockaded the western side of Berlin in an effort to force the United States, Great Britain and France to abandon those parts of West Berlin that they occupied after World War 2. He hoped that by preventing food and supplies from reaching West Berlin, he would starve the Allies out of the city.Stalin controlled eastern Germany and the city of Berlin was like an island within that section. Stalin blockaded west Berlin by having fences built all the way around it. He then closed down all borders into West Berlin thereby isolating it from the rest of the surrounding eastern Germany. (The "Berlin Wall was not built until 1963 by Nikita Khrushchev.)Stalin's hope of starving the Allies out of West Berlin were foiled by the Berlin Airlift, when the Allies flew supplies into West Berlin. Stalin relented and reopened all borders.If you mean split Berlin, it was because the Western Allies took the other half of Germany and Berlin.Stalin blockaded the western side of Berlin in an effort to force the United States, Great Britain and France to abandon those parts of West Berlin that they occupied after World War 2. He hoped that by preventing food and supplies from reaching West Berlin, he would starve the Allies out of the city.Stalin controlled eastern Germany and the city of Berlin was like an island within that section. Stalin blockaded west Berlin by having fences built all the way around it. He then closed down all borders into West Berlin thereby isolating it from the rest of the surrounding eastern Germany. (The "Berlin Wall was not built until 1963 by Nikita Khrushchev.)Stalin's hope of starving the Allies out of West Berlin were foiled by the Berlin Airlift, when the Allies flew supplies into West Berlin. Stalin relented and reopened all borders.

Why President Truman ordered goods and supplies flown into Berlin?

President Truman did this to prevent Stalin from taking over the city. Stalin blocked supplies to Berlin to force the US and British to abandon it.

Was west Berlin controlled by the soviet union?

No it was not, east was controlled by russia Pat's answer: West Berlin was controlled by the American, British, and French occupying military forces. It was originally administrated by the Soviets, American, British, and French forces, but the Soviets tried to force the western allies out of Berlin by a road and rail blockade, which was checked by Berlin Airlift. Berlin was completely surrounded by the Soviet East German territory. In the 60s, the Soviets built a wall around West Berlin (to keep their East German citizens from escaping). One had to travel through Soviet Checkpoints and across 100 miles designated East German highways and another Soviet Checkpoint before entering West Germany, The allied forces allowed the West Berlin citizens to form their own government and operate the city as they wanted. It was a shining star surrounded by the Iron Curtain. Much of the needed supplies and fresh groceries required by West Berlin later came from East Germany. The water supply system was operated and controlled from East Berlin.