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Q: Why did the spanish aramada happen?
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How many ships did the spanish aramada loose in total?


How many ships were in the spanish aramada?

The spanish had 150 ships 110 fighting ships and 40 supply ships. The English had 100 ships.

Why did the Spanish aramada atttack England?

There were many reasons such as religion, Elizabeth killing Mary his wife and Drake stealing treasure from Spanish ships

England's independence from the Catholic countries of the Mediterranean was ensured by?

The English Royal Navy's defeat over the Spanish Aramada

What does aramada mean?

A fleet of war ships

How do you spell happen in spanish?

pasar, suceder = to happen

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Spanish for Everyone happened in 2007.

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Spanish River derailment happened in 1910.

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Spanish conquest of Yucatán happened in 1546.

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Spanish reconquest of Mexico happened in 1821.

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Burning of the Spanish Embassy happened in 1980.

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Spanish conquest of Sardinia happened in 1717.