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To work. Due to the Great Dying there was a very small indigenous population, especially in the Caribbean, which is where most New World plantations were located. Most common plantations in the New World were sugar plantations.

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Q: Why did the spanish bring africans to plantations in the new world?
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How did Spanish get along with enslaved Africans?

Spanish colonizers enslaved Africans and brought them to the New World to work in plantations and mines. This led to a significant interaction between Spanish settlers and enslaved Africans, resulting in a complex and often oppressive relationship characterized by exploitation and forced labor. Cultural exchanges, resistance, and revolts also played a role in shaping their interaction.

Who suggested using africans as slaves?

European colonizers, particularly Portuguese and Spanish explorers, were among the first to suggest and implement the use of Africans as slaves during the transatlantic slave trade in the 15th century. As demand for labor in the New World grew, European powers authorized the capture and forced labor of Africans to work on plantations and in mines.

What did the spanish use captive africans for?

The Spanish used captive Africans for forced labor in their colonies, primarily in agriculture, mining, and domestic service. Africans were also used as slaves to generate wealth and resources for the Spanish Empire.

Which European country was the first to enslave Africans to the Americans?

Spain was the first European country to import African slaves to the Americas. After Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, the Spanish started bringing Africans as slave labor for their plantations and mines. Juan de Cordoba was the first Spaniard to send African slaves to the New World.

Which European country was the first to import enslaved africans to the Americans?

Spain was the first European country to import African slaves to the Americas. After Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, the Spanish started bringing Africans as slave labor for their plantations and mines. Juan de Cordoba was the first Spaniard to send African slaves to the New World.

What statement correctly contrasts the experiences of Africans and indigenous peoples in Spanish territories in the New World?

Africans were forcibly brought to the New World as slaves to work on plantations and mines, while indigenous peoples were often subjected to forced labor and exploitation but also faced diseases and violence that decimated their populations. Africans were seen as property while indigenous peoples were viewed as inferior subjects to be Christianized and assimilated.

When did plantations start?

Plantations began in the New World in the early 1600s. The Spanish started them first with the English, Portuguese, and Dutch following closely behind.

Where were most africans slaves sent?

They were sent all over the world where they were needed, but mainly they were mostly sent to the Caribbean to work in sugar plantations also to America.

What did the spanish bring with them to the new world in 1492?


What percentage of slaves who arrived in the Americas were brought to Spanish colonies?

Of all the Africans brought to the New World, sixty percent were brought to Spanish colonies.

Why was it possible to find both free and enslaved Africans aboard Spanish expedition ships going to the new world?

Africans lived in Spain for over 700 years before Columbus's voyage to the New World

Why were the slaves brought to the New World in the first place?

slaves were brought to the new world in the first place because the Europeans had found these lands and wanted to plant sugar canes,tobacco,and later on cotton and rice and needed people to work on the plantations so they went to Africa and brought the Africans to work on the plantations as slaves.