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Q: Why did the state legislature cut the number of hours in Brady's dad workday in the book red kayak?
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Why did the state legislature cut the numere of hours in Brady's dad's workday in red kayak?


What is two thirds of an 8 hour workday?

Two thirds of an 8 hour workday is 5 1/3 hours.

How long was the workday for most workers in the late 1800?

12 hours

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a typical workday is from 8-12 hours. you barely get breaks and you do alot of lifting so it might get exhausting at times.

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Yes. It is an excessive long workday around dangerous machinery etc.

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12 hours

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12 to 14 hours a day

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12 - 14 hours

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The duration of State Legislature - film - is 3.62 hours.

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To limit their workday to 10 hours!

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An increase in leisure activities - Apex

What cultural change result from the adoption of the eight hours workday in the early 1900?

An increase in leisure activities - Apex