

Why did the us fight the Afghanistan war?

Updated: 4/27/2022
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12y ago

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For economical reasons.

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Freeda Kris

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Q: Why did the us fight the Afghanistan war?
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Why did the US invade and bomb Afghanistan in 2001?

The US invaded Afghanistan in an attempt to wage war on terrorism, as Afghanistan is a hub for terrorists. The US is not at war with Afghanistan, but is working with the country to fight terrorism and keep Afghanistan out of terrorist hands. The same ideology was behind the Iraqi War.

Why did US fight the war in Afghanistan?

For economical reasons.

Who helped the Afghanistan fight against the soviet union in their war in 1980?

The US

What did Afghanistan do to the US?

Nothing. The US is only at war in Afghanistan, not against. The American and Afghanis are working together, much like the Americans and Iraqis, to fight against terrorist groups within Afghanistan and to better the country of Afghanistan.

How many US soldiers are at war in Afghanistan?

84,000 US Soldiers are currently at war in Afghanistan

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The answer is afghanistan!!

Did the US fight a war in Afghanistan because of communism?

It was a "secret war" which was not the best kept secret. Afghanistan was invaded by the USSR in 1980, and the US supplied the Afghan resistance (called the Mujahideen) with modern firepower to fight them, much as Communist countries supplied the North Vietnamese earlier, without committing their regular forces.

Was the Afghanistan war a long war?

The US has been fighting in Afghanistan longer it was fighting in Vietnam. It is the longest war in US history.

Can Germany fight against Afghanistan?

Presently they are not at war with them, so no.

Who won the US war in Afghanistan?

us did

When did the United State enter the Afghanistan war?

The war in Afghanistan seems to have been going on for the longest time. US soldiers were first sent into Afghanistan after the Russian pulled out of Afghanistan. The first US soldiers entered Afghanistan in 2001.

Who was in the war of 1998?

The US and Afghanistan