

Why did the vet tell you to feed your dog?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Because all living things need food to live. If you don't feed your dog it will die!

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Q: Why did the vet tell you to feed your dog?
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Nothing ! Take it to a vet - to get it checked out !

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You can tell if the dog needs to go to the vet if it might be showing signs that its is weak or the dog might not be its usual self.

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Ask the vet who diagnosed the cancer what foods are suitable for your dog.

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The vet can tell you.

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A ride to the veterinarians. If you know what the dog ate or drank, call the vet. They can tell you whether to make the dog throw up or what to feed it. But if you don't want it to die, get professional help.

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go to the vet.........

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You have to take it to the vet and the vet will take care of your dog for you and (s)he might give you some medicine to feed your dog with it.

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You feed it and take it in. Wash it and take it to the vet.