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I'm sure you're reffering to the cold war. Nuclear war was avoided becasue both sides have nuclear weapons. Knowing if one side uses the other side will fire back neither side decided to use. In theory nuclear weapons may have saved more lives than have been killed. If it weren't for nuclear weapons we most likely would have seen bloodshed between the West and the USSR during the cold war.

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The world still does.

A full scale nuclear war, where combatants use the majority (if not all) of their weapons and the majority of those weapons strike their targets, would likely kill from a third to half of the population of the combatant nations instantly. The resulting radioactive fallout, along with the destruction/absence of clean water, medical aid, sanitation, fresh food and other human needs would cause conditions ripe for virulent, deadly disease, with further deaths in the millions over the months after the 'war'.

Radiation, famine, and disease would also kill millions in non-combatant countries. The destruction of nuclear war does not know borders.

It is possible that a full scale nuclear war would end human life, not just as we know it but as a species.

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They didn't want to blow everything up?

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Q: Why did the world fear a nuclear war?
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now do you mean after the cold war or during. if during it was from all the fear of nuclear attack

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The cold war was a period of time when the world operated under an aura of fear and was basically the USSR against the western world, such as the US and the UK. All of the nations involved felt that we were constantly poised on the brink of nuclear war, and people lived in fear that the world would be wiped out at the push of a button.

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Two nuclear weapons ended World War 2.

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the creation of the nuclear weapons because that made everyone fear us(u.s) hence the cold war and the race for the creation of more nuclear weapons and it affects us 2 this day because everyone is always fearing a nuclear holocaust

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A nuclear war never happened. You may be thinking of the Cuban Missile Crisis when the world came very close to nuclear war.

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Fear of Nuclear War Fight against Communism / Spread of Communism

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An end result of nuclear war.

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