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So they could be worshipped forever

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Q: Why did they bury people in pyramids?
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What people did build the pyramids?

the built them to bury there relatives and friends and there kings and queens that ruled them

How does Egypt benefit from its pyramids?

Thay bury people, like kings and queens, to honor them.

Who built pyramids to bury their kings?

the people of Egypt and the kings slaves build the pyramids for the king because instead of the Egyptian kings getting buried in the ground they would bury them in their proper pyramids where all their riches were and everything they possed but some of it went to the family.

Where did egyptians bury there pharaohs?


What did the kush people built to bury their dead kings?

The Kush built smaller pyramids than the Egyptians to bury their dead kings. Hoped this help ^ ^ * * <>

Why did they bury kings in tombs instead of pyramids?

No they buried the kings in pyramids in Egypt.

Were built by the Egyptians to bury their dead?


What where chambers in pyramids used for?

to bury the dead

Which country used pyramids?

Egypt uses pyramids some times to bury their dead.

Where did Egyptians of the old kingdom bury there Pharos?

the pyramids

How do energy pyramids work?

Pyramids were used as tombs to bury the Pharaoh once he died.

Why are there booby traps in pyramids?

Booby traps were meant to deter tomb robbers from stealing the treasures inside the pyramids. They were designed to surprise and harm intruders by using mechanisms such as falling rocks, poison darts, and hidden pits. The traps were a way to protect the valuable belongings of the deceased pharaohs buried in the tombs.