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Q: Why did tree ear bring his own bowl to Min's house what happened to the bowl and the food that was in it?
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What happened to the dust after the dust bowl?

it all flew east and left the four devastated states

Can a sea snail live in a fish bowl of rooting house plants?

absolutley yes, as long as the bowl is full of water. mystery snails do best. ( small, black sea snails.)

How do you make silly puddy without borax or starch?

OK you will need shout ,glue and food coloring if you want. pour in the bottle of glue you get like a normal size glue container and pour it in a bowl then pour half of your shout in the bowl mix it all up put it in the frige for 5 mins then mis=x up :)

What happened to farmers during the dust bowl?

all the top soil went into the air and spread throught the Midwest and a little bit of the west and east

What happened to farmer's fields during the Dust Bowl?

all the top soil went into the air and spread throught the Midwest and a little bit of the west and east

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How long was halftime in Super Bowl I?

30 mins

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25 mins

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Yes. It will be on the big screen at my house. Come on over and bring the whole company.

How long does it take to bowl a game with 3 or 4 players?

20 mins.

What Super Bowl happened in 2010?

Super Bowl XLIV.

When did Tecmo Bowl happen?

Tecmo Bowl happened in 1988.

When did Bounty Bowl happen?

Bounty Bowl happened in 1989.

When did Delta Bowl happen?

Delta Bowl happened in 1947.

When did Super Bowl I happen?

Super Bowl I happened in 1967.

When did Freezer Bowl happen?

Freezer Bowl happened in 1981.

How many minutes of actual play in super bowl?

60 mins. four 15 mins quarters just like any other football game