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Q: Why did turtle say she didn't feel good after she called Angela at the hospital in the westing game?
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What did turtle find in angelas hospital bag westing game?

Turtle found a silver cross necklace inside Angela's hospital bag in "The Westing Game." This discovery raised suspicions and added another layer of mystery to the story.

In the westing game Is turtle the bomber?

Yes, Turtle is revealed to be the bomber in "The Westing Game" as part of the mystery plot.

What two clues did Angela receive in the westing game?

The two clues Angela received in the Westing Game were "Turtle's partner" and "It's the 4th, you know."

What did turtle mean when she told Angela that she had done a dumb thing in the westing game?

Turtle means that Angela's decision to choose the wrong answer in the Westing game was a mistake because it could have negative consequences for their team. Turtle is concerned about the potential outcomes of Angela's actions and wants to maintain their advantage in the game.

In the westing game Why did turtle confess to the bombings?

Turtle confessed to the bombings in "The Westing Game" because she felt guilty for suspecting and accusing her sister Angela of being the bomber. Turtle realized that Angela was innocent and wanted to protect her sister by taking the blame herself.

Why was Angela indebted to her sister in the westing games?

she has aids

What did Turtle convince Angela not to do?

Turtle convinced Angela not to go through with marrying her fiancé in "The Westing Game" by revealing that he was only interested in her inheritance.

Whose wedding is turtle going to be late for in the westing game?

Turtle is going to be late for her sister Angela's wedding in the book "The Westing Game."

What happens to Angela in the westing game?

Angela is the bomber, and she sets off a bomb and leaves a scar on her face, also turtle takes all the blame for Angela's mistakes, making Angela look perfect.

Who is the bomber in the Westing Game?

Angela Wexler is the bomber. But she didn't try to kill herself. She didn't want to hurt herself or anyone else. When Turtle tried to grab the box from Angela, Angela freaked out and grabbed the box back but at the same time the fireworks went off and accidentally blasted off in Angela's face. All Angela wanted to do was get more attention to herself!

Why did turtle say she didn't feel good after she called Angela at the hospital?

She said that she didn't feel good because she thought that Theo had figured out that Angela was the bomber.

Why does turtle lie to Julian about mr hoo crow and Otis amber in the Westling game?

Turtle lies to Julian about Mr. Hoo, Crow, and Otis Amber in the Westing Game in order to protect her friend Angela, who is Mr. Westing's long-lost daughter. Turtle knows the truth about the characters' identities and their connection to the Westing family mystery, but she keeps this information hidden to prevent Angela from being exposed and targeted by the other heirs seeking the Westing inheritance.