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Q: Why did veterans march on Washington during the depression?
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Name of the march on Washington during the great depression?

The Bonus Army.

Who made up the Bonus Army that marched on Washington?

After WWI, Congress votes to give veterans a bonus that will be paid in the year 1945, but in 1932 veterans march on Washington DC demanding their bonus. Thousands of veterans set up camp out side of the capital

What great march on Washington during the great depression proved to be a disaster for president hoover?

The bonus army

World war 1 veterans held their bonus march in what state?

WWI veterans held their bonus march in Washington, DC (not a state).

World War 1 Veterans march to Washington?

Bonus army

In 1894 why did coxey's army march to Washington DC?

Coxey's Army marched to Washington DC in 1894 as a protest by unemployed workers. The march took place during the second year of a four-year economic depression in the United States.

Why did the bonus army march into Washington DC?

The Federal Reserve refused to pay veterans their bonuses.

What happened when World War 1 veterans marched in protest on Washington?

In 1932, World War I veterans marched in protest in Washington. They were angry because Congress had delayed payment of their promised bonuses. The march ended with the veterans receiving their bonus pay.

What event happened when world war 1 veterans marched in protest in Washington?

In 1932, World War I veterans marched in protest in Washington. They were angry because Congress had delayed payment of their promised bonuses. The march ended with the veterans receiving their bonus pay.

Event happened when world war 1 veterans marched in protest on Washington?

In 1932, World War I veterans marched in protest in Washington. They were angry because Congress had delayed payment of their promised bonuses. The march ended with the veterans receiving their bonus pay.

What event happened when World War 1 veterans marched in protest on Washington?

In 1932, World War I veterans marched in protest in Washington. They were angry because Congress had delayed payment of their promised bonuses. The march ended with the veterans receiving their bonus pay.

Which groups of American led the bonus march on Washington dc during hoover's administration?

Unemployed World War I veterans marched on DC in the summer of 1932, seeking early payment for service compensation.