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Q: Why did women organizations work for.the passage of prohibition?
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If you were for prohibition what two organizations would you want to join?

Anti-Saloon League or Women's Temperance Union

What organization waged a campaign against liquor?

The Temperance movement had several different Organizations including the Women's Christian Temperance Union, the Abstinance Society, The American Temperance Society, the Anti-Saloon League, the Prohibition Party and others. A few organizations continue to do so, such as Alcohol Justice.

Who supported prohibition?

Women and Christians. WCTU (Women's Christian Temperence Union)

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women's christian

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Women sufferage and prohibition of alcohol

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reform organizations

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for women to have same rights as men, for freedom for all, and for world peace forthe colonies

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Prohibition of alcohol

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Many poor men (and women) engaged in bootlegging as a way to make money during prohibition.

Why did womens organizations work for the passage of prohibition?

Women are highly virtuous, don't smoke, drink or engage is sexual activity. That being said Women's organizations were obviously going to support the Volstead Act. By outlawing the manufacture or distibution of alcohol drinking stopped over night. Public intoxication vanish as did all alcohol related crime. Womenn quickly recieved their sufferage. Wise women were on the verge of creating a utopian world when they elected Frankln Roosevelt President. He ended Prohibition, began the Great Depression and World War II.