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Q: Why did you feel like you were dead in the middle of a haunted house?
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What are the most haunted places in NY?

if u feel so even ur house is haunted!

Is New Orleans haunted?

Many people feel that New Orleans is haunted.

How do you reprogram Holmes after you defeat all the puzzles on Game Show Island?

Plug in the thumb drive that the Inventor gave you. *If you don't feel like a long climb back to the surface, you can go to the store and get the Haunted House card. When you go to the Haunted House and then leave, you exit onto the Island map.

How can you tell if your being haunted?

you can tell if you're being haunted if you feel like some one is with you or if you some times feel a rush of cold air

Is your house at 804 Tomlinson Road Philadelphia PA 19115 Haunted?

My very dear friend and her family live at 804 Tomlinson Road Philadelphia, PA 19115. They have told me that they honestly feel that the house is haunted due to unexplained foot steps in the middle of the night when no one would be awake except for the person who is up and hearing the steps. There are also crying sounds of a child from one of the bedrooms of the upstairs. They have been in this house for over 10 years and I am so curious to know the answer so either I can help her to relieve her mind or actually tell her yes or no. Sincerely, Cindella808

How does it feel when you are dead?

you don't feel when you are dead

What is it called when you read a book about a haunted house and you feel fearful throughout the story?

Suspense. Suspension of Disbelief. Scared. Empathy. There may be a literary term you are looking for but my research did not find it.

How does Huck feel about leaving the murders on the Walter Scott?

Huck feels guilty and troubled about leaving the dead bodies on the Walter Scott. He is haunted by their presence and struggles with his conscience throughout the novel.

Is ballam park homestead haunted?

I just went to Ballum Park Homestead on the weekend. The ladies who run the tours through the Homestead say it is not haunted - they have never seen or felt anything ghostly. They also believe that no-one has ever died on the premises. The house has been assessed for paranormal activity and none was detected. I did not feel at all uncomfortable in the house.

How do evil sprits affect people?

They can throw things, even kill people. If they died in the house or building they will haunt it until the house is demolished then it is set free. If a house has evil sprits in it it is haunted otherwise it is just a house with a ghost in it

What does Jupiter feel like?

if you were in the middle of Jupiter than it would feel like you are putting your hand in steam.

Is PS12 haunted?

If someone believes in ghosts they may feel that PS12 is haunted. However, you would need factual and scientific proof of ghosts before everyone would believe that the place is haunted.