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Harry Potter didn't die because he is the main character, and J.K. Rowling didn't want him to die.

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Q: Why didn't Harry Potter die in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?
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What happened when Harry died in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'?

He didnt

What is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2?

The second part of the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie. They split the last book into two parts so people didnt have to sit in the movie theater for like 5 hours but see the move it is so EPIC

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He was told by Hagrid, after the Dursleys had lied to him that they died in a car crash, so he did know they died, but just didnt know how. Until Hagrid told him of course.

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The Tales of Beedle the Bard was released on December 4, 2008. It is not a book about the adventures of Harry Potter, but it was part of the plot in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It included several fairy tale style short stories.The last book in the main series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released in 2007.

How does Voldemort kill Harry Potter in the Deathly Hallows?

Harry only partly dies. Voldemort didnt know there was a horcrux inside of Harry so voldemort only killed the horcrux inside him

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the seventh harry potter film (harry potter and the deathly hallows) is being made into two sperate films. the plans so far is that the first part will be released some time in November 2010, and the second part will be released soemtime around June 2011

Why did J.K Rowling writ Harry Potter in a ditch?

She didnt

Does Harry Potter die and come back to life in the last Harry Potter?

Harry is not dead at the end of the Deathly Hallows. The part of the soul that was transferred to him by Voldemort is now gone and he and Dumbledore have a conversation in a place that Harry belives is ''Kings Cross'' station. There does seem to be some idea that Harry is in a short of ''heaven''. Dumbledore tells him that he can go ''on'', however Harry decides to return to the battle and defeat Voldemort

Is harry potter owner of the leder wand explain how harry had possesion of the elder wand?

The night in the astronomytower Draco disarmed Dumbledore meaning he possesed the elder wand and snape killed dumbledore but the wand is Draco's So he didnt own the wand as he killed dumble dore and then harry disarmed draco in deathly hallows part 1 so the wand is Harry's and in Part 2 Voldemort thinking it was snape's killed him and he thought that the elder wand was his and when they dueled Harry and Voldemort, Voldemort hit harry with the killing curse but The wand Don't dare to kill its owner so it flew to harry himself

Does seamus die in Harry Potter the deathly hollows part2?

No, he survived the wizarding war. While Harry and Seamus didnt see eye to eye at first they became friends later on and saved each other in the war that took place in Deathyl hollows part 2. First Seamus saved Harry and then Harry saved Seamus.