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Q: Why didn't lily believe that there were once live elephants the giver?
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Why do you think that lily didnt believe that there were once live elephants?

If your talking about the giver than it's probably the same reason why people today don't believe in unicorns because nobodys seen one and they seem kind of ridiculous

Why is lily skeptical of Jonas story about the elephants in the book The Giver?

Because in that utopian society they have made animals obsolete. No one but Jonas and the Giver have seen an elephant.

What are the children's name in The Giver?

In The Giver, the children are named Jonas and Lily. Jonas is the protagonist of the story, while Lily is his younger sister.

What is Lilly's nickname in the book the giver?

In the book "The Giver," Lilly's nickname is "Lily."

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Why was lily skeptical of Jonas story about the elephants in the giver?

Lily was skeptical because the story about elephants seemed too fantastical and out of the ordinary compared to the limited understanding and knowledge she had been given in her controlled community. The community lacked access to diverse experiences, so any mention of something unfamiliar would naturally generate doubt or skepticism. Jonas's story challenged Lily's beliefs and perceptions of the world.

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Which profession does Jonah think Lily is best suited for in the giver?

In "The Giver," Jonah thinks Lily is best suited to become a Birthmother based on her personality and attributes.

What job did mother think would fit Lily from the giver book?

In the book "The Giver," Lily's mother suggested that Lily would make a good birthmother because of her nurturing and caring personality. However, this suggestion was ultimately rejected as a possible career for Lily.

What does lily look like in The Giver?

she looks like a nerd

The giver what will lily receive at the ceremony of eights?

she recieved a dream

What are lily personalities in The Giver?

a lilly personalatiy is welcoming, beautiful,and brave