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bc they wanted there kids have fun

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Q: Why didn't parents tell there kids about Santa Claus?
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Who is Santa Claus if he is not real?

Parents. Sorry kids.

Should you tell your kids that there is no Santa Claus?

when they are around 10 or 11 im 11 and i know when my parents told me i didnt really care but its your opinion

Why did world war 1 not finish before Christmas?

because santa claus didnt came :( poor kids, they didnt received presents, they only received to watch their parents dead :D lol

Why do parents lie to us about the Easter bunny and Santa Claus and even the tooth fairy?

Parents do not want to lie to their kids about things such as the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus but the reason why they opt to do the lying is because they want kids to have hope in things that other people might not have hope in.

Does Santa Claus like soccer?

Of course! Santa Claus absolutely loves soccer! Santa loves everything kids like!

What does Santa Claus accomplish?

Santa Claus accomplishes sending presents around the entire world to all the kids.

Why is Santa Claus not san Claus?

because it wouldn't sound right especially for the little kids like me Santa Claus is the best name he could have and if you have a problem sorry and it is also easier to pronounce Santa Claus

Who reminds kids of Christmas?

Santa Claus and the reindeers

When was Santa Claus invented?

The concept of Santa Claus was 'invented' after a real monk named Saint Nicholas. Over generations this image of Santa Claus has changed and evolved into the modern one we are familiar with. In different countries, the character holds different significance. Some believe that parents who put presents under the tree and tell there kids Santa brought them are showing a bad example for their kids. Others think it is just a source of fun for their kids and a nice tradition to look forward to.

What do kids from France call Santa Claus?

Papa Noel

Did Santa Claus have ten kids?

no! All the elves are his kids SO HE HAS TONS x

What is the religion of Santa Claus?

Santa claws does not have a religion he is just a character to make kids good