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A concentrated acid is more dangerous than a dilute acid.

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Q: Why didn't we take concentrated acid in place of dilute acid?
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Is hydrochloric acid a dilute acid?

Hydrochloric acid can be either concentrated or dilute, depending on its specific concentration in water.

Why was a concentrated solution used if there was no reaction with the dilute solution?

Because concentrated solution has more acidic particles as compared to dilute acid, so when there is no reaction with dilute acid then we use the concentrated acid.

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How can you prepare a dilute solution of an acid from the concentrated acid?

poure water on the concentrated acid

Is nitric acid a dilute acid?

Nitric acid can be dilute or concentrated. This is simply a matter of how much of it you have in a given amount of a solution, which is variable.

What is more worst. concentrated acid or dilute acid or acid?

Concentrated acid is generally more harmful than dilute acid. This is because concentrated acid contains a higher concentration of acid molecules, which can cause more severe burns or damage to tissues upon contact. Dilute acid, on the other hand, has a lower concentration of acid molecules and is therefore less harmful. Acid, as a general term, can encompass both concentrated and dilute forms and its harmfulness would depend on its concentration.

How is dilute hydrochloric acid different from concentrated hydrochloric acid?

In concentration: up to (max.) 18 M = concentrated dilute = lower the 1 M

Is concentrated sulfuric acid stronger than dilute sulfuric acid?

When the concentration is considered, concentrated acid contains more molecules than the dilute acid. It is only one way to measure the strength. If we consider the reactivity with the absence of water and moisture, dilute sulfuric acid is more reactive than the concentrated acid.

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Why does concentrated acid dissolve magnesium faster than dilute acid?

Because there is more hydrogen gas in a concentrated acid.

What is the ratio of water and concentrated sulfuric acid in dilute sulfuric acid?

It depends on how diluted the dilute sulphuric acid is (i.e. its concentration).

Are acids most dangerous when concentrated or diluted?

yes it is it more harmful than dilute acid