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Q: Why didnt the farmers of the 1920s experience the prosperity of the decade?
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Despite the prosperity of the 1920s life remained hard for many?

farmers and factory workers

Which group of Americans generally failed to experience the economic prosperity of the 1920s?


Which group of Americans generally failed to experience to the economic prosperity of the 1920s?


What were the Nicknames for the 1920s?

Republican Era The Jazz Age The Lost Generation Boom to Bust The Roaring '20's Decade of Normalcy Prosperity Decade Prohibition Era

What two groups of people did not benefit from the era of prosperity during the decade of the 1920s?

The Maritime Provinces , and the Prairie provinces in canada

Which group of Americans were largely left out of the prosperity of the 1920s?

farmers, new immigrants, blacks, people in poverty, unemployed

Farmers did not share in the general prosperity of the 1920s because overproduction kept farm prices low?

Nova net; True

What decade was 1927?

The 1920s.

What decade was the 1920?

The 1920s.

Who benefited from the prosperity of the 1920s?


What were the social tensions during the 1920?

The social tensions during the 1920s were fueled by shifts in cultural values, particularly between traditionalism and modernism. Economic disparities between urban and rural populations also created social divides, while social issues like prohibition and nativism further contributed to tensions among different groups in society. Additionally, the changing role of women and the upheaval caused by World War I added layers of complexity to social dynamics during this period.

What event ended the economic prosperity of the 1920?

The stock market crash of 1929 put an end to the prosperity of the 1920s in the United States.