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because all the people are different but their heart rates and blood pressures are close to each other but vary so you have to measure heart rates etc. using a range of values being normal

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Q: Why do 'normal' measurements for heart rate and blood pressure cover a range of values?
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Describe the normal ranges for each type of blood pressure measurement?

Blood pressure measurements are a combination of the systolic and diastolic pressure. Ideally, blood pressure should be under 120 in the systolic measurement and 80 in the diastolic measurement, commonly notated as 120 over 80.



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Normal blood pressure is measured by two numbers that represent how much mercury is in your blood. A completely normal blood pressure reads: Below 120 / below 80.

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Normal blood pressure in an adult would be 120/80

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Normal blood pressure for 65 year men?

For a normal, healthy adult the normal blood pressure is 120/80

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Blood pressure is not something is taken on goats. The normal blood pressure on a human should be below 140 and 90.

What is normal blood pressure?

Normal blood pressure is 120/80 or below

Normal blood pressure for 66 year old woman?

A normal or average blood pressure for a woman aged 66 is 120/80. The blood pressure can be a little over or under depending on the weight of the woman.