

Why do 0 through 9 have ASCII values?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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That's because the inventor of ASCII code thought they are important characters.

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Q: Why do 0 through 9 have ASCII values?
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Digits have ASCII kód '0'..'9' = 48..57

Write a Java program to get the ASCII value of the given number?

If you look up the ASCII values for digits, you'll see that 0 = 48, 1 = 49... 9 = 57. So it's a simple matter of adding 48 to your digit to find out the ASCII value for it.

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You can find the ASCII value of numbers greater than 9 using the following functions: std::to_string or boost::lexical_cast or std::ostringstream depending on the compiler that you are using.

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Yes they can. The ASCII codes for the digits 0 to 9 are: 0 - 0030 1 - 0031 2 - 0032 3 - 0033 4 - 0034 5 - 0035 6 - 0036 7 - 0037 8 - 0038 9 - 0039

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1 is an integral integer type with the numeric value 1. '1' is an integral character type with the numeric value 49. That is, ASCII character 49 returns the symbol '1'. To convert an ASCII character in the range '0' to '9' to its integral numeric value, subtract character '0' from the character. ASCII character '0' has the numeric value 48, thus '1' - '0' = 49 - 48 = 1. To convert a numeric value in the range 0 to 9 to its ASCII character equivalent, add character '0' to the value. Thus 1 + '0' = 1 + 48 = 49 = '1'.

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4.90= 4 = 4 ones 9 = 9 tenths 0 = 0 hundredths That's the place values of 4.90

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If you mean: (y+9)(y-1) = 0 then expanding the brackets y^2 +8 -9 = 0 and the values of y are 1 or -9

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Using the discriminant the possible values of k are -9 or 9

How do you check whether a character is numeric in an alphanumeric field in C?

If the character's ASCII value is in the range of the digit characters, then it is a numeric. In ASCII, the range of digits is from '0' to '9' (48 to 57 decimal). Note that character constants such as '0' will implicitly convert to the constant integer 48 (the ASCII code for the character) so there is no need to remember the actual value; the compiler can determine this for us. The following function shows how one might test a character to see if it is a digit or not: bool is_digit (const char c) { return (c>='0' && c<='9'); } The function will return true if the given character is a digit, otherwise it will return false.

Normal values of ESR by wintrobe's method?

Males: 0-9 mm/h Females: 0-15 mm/h

What is ASCII code for 0-9?

Hexadecimal ASCII CODE0=30 1=31 2=32 3=33 4=34 5=35 6=36 7=37 8=38 9=39Octal ASCII CODE0=060 1=061 2=062 3=063 4=064 5=065 6=066 7=067 8=070 9=071Decimal ASCII CODE0=048 1=049 2=050 3=051 4=052 5=053 6=054 7=055 8=056 9=057