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because maybe that's how they like to do things in their house not everyone takes of there shoes before entering a house

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Q: Why do Americans not take off their shoes before entering a house?
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Which religions have to take off their shoes when entering their place of worship?

Removing shoes before entering a house is usually a cultural rather than a religious tradition. It is common to many Eastern countries, as well as Scandinavia. However, some religions require removing shoes before entering a house of worship or a temple. Muslims remove their shoes before entering a mosque, Hindus remove shoes before entering a temple, and Sikhs remove shoes before entering a gurudwara.

Do people take off their shoes before entering a house in China?

Most of people in china , after go home, change into slipper.

Why do Chinese people take shoes off before entering house?

Chinese people always take off there shoes when going into a room bceauce they are showing respect to the family.

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Removing shoes before entering a Wharenui, or a Māori meeting house, is a sign of respect for the sacredness of the space. It is a cultural practice in Māori culture and signifies leaving behind the outside world and entering into a spiritually significant space. It also helps to keep the Wharenui clean as shoes can bring dirt and other impurities from the outside.

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You should take off your shoes before entering

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It is a Japanese tradition to remove your shoes when entering the house.

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Take your shoes off

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to take shoes off upon entering a house

At an Islamic mosque what do you have to do before entering?

take off your shoes and wash

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you have to take ur shoes off before entering

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it is a sign of respect :)

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Removing shoes before entering the home