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because, if the arctic wolves had pup's the same time as the other wolves then the pup's would not live. because for one, they'd freeze, for another, they would not have enough food to go around. just like the amount of wolves. they have few pup's when there's scarce food, and lots when the food is plenty-full.

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Q: Why do Arctic wolves have pups at a different time than the other wolves?
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Arctic wolves live in a pack, like other wolves. The alpha female has the puppies and the other wolves will feed the mother and the older pups. These wolves live in the Arctic Circle.

What are young Arctic wolves called?

Young arctic wolves are called pups.

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What color can wolf pups be?

Wolf pups are born dark ONLY with no mask on their faces or anything. No white on them either. Only huskies have this, and other dogs. Not wolves, even if they're Arctic wolves.

Are all Arctic wolves white so they can blend in?

Only in the winter. And no Arctic wolf pups are born white, they are born strictly dark solid.

What color are the wolves and pups in Julie of the Wolves?

In the book "Julie of the Wolves" by Jean Craighead George, the wolves are described as having a gray coloring. The pups are also described as having a gray coat, which helps them blend in with their surroundings in the Arctic tundra.

Why do Arctic wolves live in packs?

Safety from bears and other big animals, easier to hunt, all the adults of the pack help raise the pups and other things like that. They have a very sophisticated system.

What are Arctic fox babies called?

Like other fox babies, Arctic fox babies are called kits, pups or cubs.Young of Arctic foxes are referred to as "kits" or "pups".

In Wolfquest 2 will there be other wolves like the first one or will it just be you your mate and your pups?

it's pretty much just your mate and pups but there are differn't wolves that will come onto your territory and try to take your pups

Do wolves kill puppies as in dog puppies and do they also kill Arctic foxes?

Wolves are not likely to come into contact with canine pups, but if they somehow were able to, it is more likely they would adopt it as part of the pack. A little known fact is that wolves do not typically kill pups. While the biomes of arctic foxes and timber wolves do have some crossover, and they may feed on some of the same animals, the fox is more likely to run and hide when faced with a wolf or pack.

Do mom wolves hunt more or dad wolves?

Other wolves in the pack care for the pups when they are older, but basically the fathers hunt more.

What does the Arctic fox's prey eat?

Arctic foxes generally eat any small animal they can find, including lemmings, voles, other rodents, hares, birds, eggs, fish, and carrion. They scavenge on carcasses left by larger predators such as wolves and polar bears, and in times of scarcity even eat their feces. They also eat some plant matter, including seaweed.