

Why do Blue Jays eat sunflower seeds?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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they eat them because they need something to eat and if your wondering why they are blue is because thats how they were born :) :P :} ;p :p

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Q: Why do Blue Jays eat sunflower seeds?
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Seeds, bugs. Blue Jays are softbills and they mainly eat insects and fruit. They will also sometimes eat sunflower seeds or peanuts.

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Not normally. Blue jays eat most anything, but millet is too small for them to digest easily. They will however, take sunflower seed from bird feeders.

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I see it's possible. Why not?

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it is an omnivore and eats varietys of plants and seeds.a blue jay eats insects,nuts and seeds

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My answer is yes out of all the types of seeds they eat they eat sunflower seeds.

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Edible seeds are seeds that can be consumed as food, either raw or cooked. Common examples include pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, and sesame seeds. Edible seeds are often high in nutrients like protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Are sunflower seeds good for a diabetic?

yes, they can eat sunflower seeds.

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There are a few birds that eat pumpkin seeds. Some of these birds are blue jays, the titmouse, cardinals, and crows.

Do baby blue jays eat bird seed?

They can but it isnt a major part of their diet so attracting them with it is unlikly. You'll be better off with suet (lard, peanut butter, mealworms, and some soften raisins works best) on a platform feeder.

Can you eat a sunflower?

You cannot eat a sunflower, but you can eat it's seeds. Hope I helped. ;)

What does a blue jay drink?

Blue jays will eat most anything, from seeds to the eggs of other birds.