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They are not.

The Chinese languages is written purely in character form.

Japanese uses a standard "alphabet" and uses Chinese characters to denote meaning.

Korean typically has its own "alphabet" called hangul and Chinese characters are almost never used.

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Q: Why do Chinese Japanese and Koreans are similar in their way of writing?
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Which form of Japanese wring overlaps with Chinese?

Writing?? It is Kanji they are similar

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Seal Its because Japanese characters and Chinese characters are so similar I can read it.

What inspiered Japanese writing?

The Chinese symbols.

Are Asians Japanese?

No. Japan and Chinese are just as similar to each other as Germans and Arabs (both being Caucasians) are related to each other. However, the Japanese language does import Chinese words and writing. They are both East Asian, though.

What was the relationship between Chinese and Japanese writing?

Japanese and Chinese writings are different, but in some cases use the same characters.Japanese uses different writing systems:Hirigana - Used for native Japanese wordsKatakana - Mainly used when writing foreign wordsKanji - These are characters that were borrowed from the Chinese WritingRomaji - This is used when writing Japanese characters with the Latin AlphabetChinese uses characters that they call Hanzi.Hanzi is called by different names in other countries. But in Japanese it is called Kanji.Kanji are the Chinese characters that the Japanese use along with their other writing systems (Hirigana & Katakana) . Though in Japanese one character of Kanji and represent many syllables.

What is the combination of Japanese writing?

the combination is chinese and indian language.

What was the early Japanese writing system like?

Japanese was first written entirely with Chinese characters.

What is Japanese writing called?

The Japanese writing system is based on Chinese writing, and is typologically an ideographic system with elements of a syllabic system. The art of Japanese writing is called calligraphy. To be precise, modern Japanese is written using three writing systems: 1. Kanji (Chinese characters) are ideographic and stand for whole words or morphemes on their own. 2. Hiragana (syllabic characters, or a syllabary similar to an alphabet) is used to spell out Kanji in pronounceable syllables, if needed, or to spell out the endings and inflections and particles used to build sentences. 3. Katakana (a second syllabary similar to hiragana) is used to spell out foreign words or in advertising; it's function is similar to italics in English. Japanese also has an official romanization called Romaji, which is a system for spelling Japanese using Roman (Latin) letters. Kana

What form of Japanese writing is most common?

Kanji, Chinese characters.

Japanese writing system based on Chinese characters?

Yes, unfortunately.