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It's their genetics. That's also why they have different eyes. ( Not to be rude!)

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Q: Why do Chinese people have black hair?
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What is Chinese people's hair colour?

most Chinese ppl have black hair

Does everyone think that people with black hair are Chinese?

It is all in the genes, Most Chinese people have black hair genes because that is just the way they are My friend has black hair. (: Sorry, I was bored.

Do Chinese people have black hair?

That's correct

Are Chinese people born with black hair?

depends on genetics

What is real Chinese people hair color?

In China the dominant hair colour is black.

Why do people from China have black hair?

People from china have black hare because they are Chinese and look funny

Do Asians have black hair?

Yes Chinese people are born with black/very dark brown hair. They have to dye it to get different coloured hair. Their hair is very coarse and hard to do haridressing processes on.

Is red hair in any way disliked among Chinese people?

Heterochromia is a condition where a person can have different iris colors and or more than one hair color. There are many Chinese who have predominately black hair and also patches of red hair. Any further refined answer requires a clearer definition of what is Chinese.

What do Chinese peoples look like?

In general, Chinese people have dark brown brunette hair (also known as black hair). They often have slanted eyes, but there are still many that may not have slanted eyes; their faces are often flat and round. They are often short. Chinese people usually for the women, have high cheek bones. Most Chinese people are tan-looking, sometimes pale, or dark as coppered-skinned.However, this is not true for all Chinese people.

Why are the Chinese political leaders full of black hairs despite their age?

Because Chinese people are like many African Americans. They age well. Most Chinese people do not get gray hair until they are in their 60s or 70s.

Why don't Chinese or Japanese people have body hair?

Both Japanese and Chinese people, like all people, have body hair.

Are all Chinese people white with black hair?

Yes most definitely! A majority are of Caribbean descent!