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they believe baptism is an important ceremony because they say when ur baby is baptised u OFFICIALLY become the daughter/son of jesus.

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Q: Why do Christians believe that baptism is an important ceremony?
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There are a number of rituals, but the most common are:BaptismJoining the ChurchCommunion

Do wiccans believe in baptism?

We call it a Wiccaning. Yes, we have our own baptism ceremony for babies (or new members of the faith).

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Roman religion did not have baptism. Only Christian Romans had baptism and their beliefs about it were the same as that of modern Christians.

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Tradition Christians believe in infant baptism, the reason being , as one can not tell whether a baby will grow up mentally retarded, so then he will not know god. So the best thing is to have infant baptism.

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Baptism. In the Bible, baptism is a believers baptism. Someone who believes in Jesus Christ as their saviour.

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Do you mean holy water? if so...holy water is used in baptism to represent the holy spirit. This is used because when Christians believe in Jesus, the holy spirit enters them.

What does baptism forgive?

Most Christians believe that baptism forgives ones sins- anything bad they may have done in their life.

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I think Christians don't believe this.Hospices are important to all people not so important to Christians.

What do Christian beliefs?

Christians believe that Jesus is the Savior, and practice baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

What is the difference between Baptism in Buddhism and baptism in Christian?

Buddhists believe that Marriage is a social ceremony, whereas Christians believe marriage is more to do with religion, as-well as the social context. A Christian wedding would take part in a religious place, but in Buddhism, Monks aren't allowed anywhere near the marriage ceremony.

Why do christians believe baptism is so important?

Actually, infant baptism is important to a small group of Christians. Most believers do not practice infant baptism because they hold that it is not taught in Scripture. Baptism is for penitent adults who are aware of their sin and appreciate the need for redemption.

What ceremony do Christians go through to show that they believe in Jesus as their savior?

They invite Him into their lives through prayer.Baptism Yes, prayer works, but it could be, as the other guy said, baptism, or just a testimonial during a service, or a private thing with the guys in the prayer room.they get baptised