

Why do Christians go to the western wall?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why do Christians go to the western wall?
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Why is the Western Wall important to Christians?

The Western Wall is only important to Christians because it is part of the old Jewish Temple. It has little importance to Christians. Of far greater importance are the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Via Dolorosa.

How often do men go to the Western Wall?

Some men go three times a day to pray at the Western Wall, some men never go to the Western Wall. It depends on preference.

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Israel is a holy country because it has the western wall which is the last renaming wall of the holy temple which is holy for Jews, Christians and Muslims.

How did the Wailing Wall get its name?

First, the correct name is the Western Wall. The term Wailing Wall was used by the British as an insult to Jews. Second, the Western Wall, which is located in Jerusalem, is the last remaining section of the wall that surrounded the Second Temple.

What do members of the Jewish religon do when they go to the Western Wall?

The Western Wall (formerly called the Wailing Wall) is the last remnant of the outer wall of the ancient Jewish Temple. Jews mainly go there to pray, but also to visit as tourists.

Sentences using the word western wall?

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Do you say a prayer at the western wall?

Because christians feel like they have arrived at a Holy place of historical significance, a part of their heritage. They too wish for the Temple to be rebuilt. So, praying at the Wall gives them a since of reconnecting to a past and the future. They think that is what you should do at the wall just as the Jews do. The Jews do it, so that's what christians should do??? They feel it brings them closer to their "jewishness" without giving up the idea of jesus being the messiah.

What time of year do Jews go to the western wall?

There is no special time of the year for Jews to go to the Western Wall. Of course, there are usually more people there on holidays, but holidays occur throughout the year.

Why do you think Jews come to the western wall even though it is a ruin?

It is a remnant of the holy temple. It is a holy site and Jews go there to pray. Often, people celebrate bar mitzvah's at the Western Wall.

Where is western wall?

The Western wall is located on the western side of the temple mount (called the Western Wall Plaza), in the heart of old Jerusalem.

Could a British person go to the western wall?

Under Israeli control, all people are welcome at the Western Wall.

What Muslim building is situated near the western wall?

The wall situated by the western wall (wailing wall ) is the .....