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No religion preaches hatred. There are many groups that show intolerance for other, but in general, they all go with the basic premise of the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do under you."

All religions think that they are the "right" religion that goes for Christians, Muslims etc, they often forget that their actions is what makes you closer to God.

In the end it doesnt matter what you wear, how many times a day you pray or how much money you give to charity, God only knows love and truth and if your actions are just a way to "guarantee" your place in heaven its not going to work..

Love and respect everyone and everything, dont wish anyone bad and keep your morals, values and ethics in the right place..

People need to realise that dogmatic religions divide the people of the world as they think theyre religion is better than others.. Trust me its not just christians!!

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Q: Why do Christians only care about their own religion and hate all other religions?
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