

Why do Christians study the Bible?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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The Bible was written by God.

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Q: Why do Christians study the Bible?
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Why do you keep a Bible at home?

YesMany Christians keep a Bible (or Bibles) at home for personal devotions and study.

What do Christians study?

They study Jesus, The Holy Bible, Christianity, Mary, Joeseph, Peter, John, etc.

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Christians do not worship any book, but the do read and study the Bible. They may give thanks for it, and feel blessed at have the opportunity to read it but that is all.

How many books are in the Lutheran Bible?

The Lutherans do not have a separate bible. They study and follow the bible that most Christians follow. There are 46 books in the Old and New Testament.

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Christian worship includes prayer, bible study, singing hymns and listening to sermons.

When do christians read the Bible?

The Christians read the Bible quite often but its really important to them to read the bible.

What is the Christians Bible?

Holy Bible

How Bible is used by the christians?

the bible is basically the backbone of the christian faith, that is how we learn about jesus and study about him. it is like this: you wont be able to do math if you dont have a math book. you wont be able to learn about God without the bible

Do christians use the bible as a reference to life?

Christians do use the bible as a reference for life.

The christians holy book is the Bible?

Yes indeed the holy book of the Christians is the BIBLE.

Who are some Christians not mentioned in the Bible?

There have been millions of Christians over time and most of them are not in the Bible.

Christians perspective on naming of Prophet Muhammad in bible?

Christians believe that Muhammad is not mentioned in the Bible.