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They do it when they feel threatened, or when they're about to snap at you.

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Q: Why do Doberman pinscher dogs put there ears back?
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Which dog breed has naturally pricked ears Boxer Doberman pinscher Siberian Husky or Great Dane?

all of them except doberman pinscher The boxer and great danes ears also have to be cropped and taped for them to stand up. The only breed listed with naturally erect ears is the Siberian husky

Are Doberman's born with floppy ears?


Why do people clip Doberman Pinscher's ears?

It is actually illegal in Europe to crop their ears. But it is done because it helped to prevent the ears from being torn when the dogs were working as guards, etc. Now, they must be cropped a certain way to be allowed in AKC shows in the U.S. Also, some people believe it makes them look more intimidating. I just wanted to add to above answer. I do understand it is not medically necessary, but to say there are no benefits is not true. Dogs with floppy ears are more prone for ear infections because they don't "air out" well. My last dog (not a Dobie) had floppy ears and he was miserable most of the time. We cleaned his ears religiously, had him on meds and he still had yeast infections and such in his ears often. If we didn't watch him, he'd tear the inside of his ears from scratching. It isn't this bad in all floppy eared dogs, but it is a possibility.

Can i clip a dobermans ears in Malta?

Yes, it is true you can clip a doberman's ears in Malta.

What is your dogs mane?

your dogs mane is the hair in between his/her ears and the back of his neck

Why is it illegal to crop a doberman ears in malta?

It is illegal to crop a doberman's ears in Malta because it is considered inhumane to the animal. Veterinarians take an oath similar to the Hippocratic oath in which they say they will "do no harm". Because cropping a doberman's ears is both painful and unnecessary it is considered inhuman and is therefore illegal.

Why do dogs and cats move their ears. How does the shape of their ear help them to hear sounds?

dogs and cats move their ears to hear from where the sound id comming.the ears of cats and dogs are out so when the sound waves hit the outside of the ears it rebounds back into the ears.

You got your pitbulls ears cropped will they grow any?

When you crop a dogs ears, they do not grow back.

Can i dock the tail and crop the ears of a Doberman in Malta?

You can dock the tail and crop the ears of a doberman anywhere in the world. The only thing that you might want to do is to make certain that there are no local ordinances against it.

What type of dog is a Doberman?

The Dobermann Pinscher was first bred to guard and protect people and property in the 1800's. They are usually black and tan and are categorised in the Working Group. They can live for 11-13 years and have been used as assistance, police force and military dogs. They are intelligent and built for speed with amazing eyesight. They are a very elegant, yet powerful breed.

How do they crop a mini pinscher's ears?

It should be done by a Vet. While the dog under anaesthetic

Is there a breed of dog whose ears closely resemble horns?

In my opinion the Doberman..