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Because they don't have Jesus in their lives. They haven't even tried to feel his grace and accept his gift of Eternal Life that he has given us, undeserving creatures. They need an answer. Their life is focused on chemical patterns and DNA. Who CARES what we're "made of?" Jesus never talked about this:

1. because the people back then did not know about DNA and all that stuff adn would be troubled

2. and because Jesus (GOD) did not want us to be troubled and wanted us to live happy lives. When we realize what we're "made of" we are troubled and begin to DOUBT and HURT. We want to KNOW.

But we don't have to search!: There's JESUS, there's PROOF, there's ANSWERS, there's LOVE. We just have to look TO Him, not FOR Him. He;s with us ALWAYS. Even the evolutionists, they just haven't recognized Him in their lives yet and accepted Him as their Saviour. Some know about Him, but they're still curious.

HUMANS brought sin upon themselves when they DISOBEYED GOD in the Garden of Eden. THEY HAD ALL THE KNOWLEDGE THEY NEEDED TO LIVE HAPPY LIVES! But they (WE the human race) ate from the Tree of Wisdom and Knowledge, like God demanded them (us) not to! Now we start from scratch, we have to earn knowledge by experiencing pain, "learning lessons" and we have to learn from our mistakes. But, we humans have a Holy Spirit. We do not need to "acquire that." What do you think our conscience is? DO animals have a conscience? No. They kill for food w/o guilt. They fight from thei instincts w/o guilt. They are not evil, they are animals. They are "wired" liek that. That is not what God is like. HUMANS are created in "God's image." But the reason we are not like God, is because we sinned, and God knows no sin. He is perfect, and we are not. But, we are still graced with the Holy Spirit. Just like we chose to eat from the Tree of Wisdom and Knowledge, we can choose to accept Christ, who fuels the Holy Spirit.

And Evolutionists, in my opinion, need physical ANSWERS. As crazy as it sounds, they are denying proof and historical evidence! The Bible isn't just a religious book, it is "The Book of Life," "the Truth," "the Word of God!" AND, it's a historically proven HISTORY BOOK. It's real. It's not just "the most morally guiding book in the history of all books," IT IS THE TRUTH. Evolutionists need to accept the facts. Jesus is who He says He is. God tells no lie. The Bible is His Word. The Bible is True.

Monkeys are similar to us, that's not a problem. They may have evolved. We may have evolved. BUT WE DO KNOW FROM THE BIBLE THAT HUMANS HAVE BEEN HERE SINCE THE BEGINNING OF CREATION.

(Genesis 1:26-27)- Then God said [on the sixth day of Creation], "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." 27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

[ ]= not directly quoted

Animals evolved. We have evolved too! Dark skin, white skin; blonde hair, brown hair, red hair; green eyes, brown eyes, blue eyes, hazal eyes! That may be true. I will give the evolutionists that; but we have been here ever since the beginning. Evolutionists will never just stop with that. They have to KNOW. It has to be right in front of them for them to believe it.

It is; the Bible.

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