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Split ends can happen for a variety of reasons. Dying your hair often and using the high heat setting on you hair dryer contributes to split ends. Your hair can be damaged, either from the sun or natural processes which can cause split ends. Excessive washing with shampoos can strip your hair, which also cause split ends.

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Q: Why do I have so many split ends?
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Related questions

Why do woman get spilt ends so bad?

most woman get split ends so bad because there constantly using flat irons and curlers which gives you split ends.

Do razor combs cause split ends?

yeah i think so

What does it mean to have split ends?

a split end is when a strand of hair turns into two. It looks like a upside down Y and it's very unhealthy. So 'to have split ends' means when a bunch of of your hair strands splits. a picture of a split end -

Is a head massage good when you have split ends?

no it can make your split ends even worse

Are split ends bad?

If you have split ends you should consider getting a hair cut!

How do you tell if you have split ends?

the best way to tell if you have split ends is too take a section of your hair near the front and scan the ends of it. the hairs do actually split in 2 parts at the end sometimes even three so a visual check is the easiest way. xx

What can you do for your split ends?

You can try to prevent split ends from happening, but once they do you have to get them cut off. All you need is a simple 1 to 2 fingers trim (depending on how bad your split ends are) and then voila, no more split ends and you can start fresh.

How can a person cut their own split ends and fringe?

First, you probably want to use professional haircutting shears, so see if you can't borrow some from a friend. Then, cut ONLY the area with the split ends and fringe. After this, try using some hydrating conditioner on your hair so that you don't find a recurrence of the split ends.

Can guys have split ends?

Yes, but real men don't care Basically yes, however not so often as girls. Split ends occur from dryness of the tips of your hair. And as guys don't use Heat-Related tools as much as girls do, they don't get split ends as often.

Is there anyway to get rid of split ends?

You will need to get a trim to remove the split ends and to reshape your style.

Is it good to have split ends?

No, split ends cause hair to frizz and look dry. You should cut them

How do you avoid split ends?

The only way to keep the ends of the hair healthy and avoid split ends is by trimming them every 8 weeks.